Asbestos is a toxic material that was used heavily throughout many industries for several decades. When manufacturers of asbestos became aware of the health risks of this material they chose to keep it a secret from the general public putting millions of people at risk for developing asbestos related diseases.
At Sammons & Berry, P.C. we have helped hundreds of victims of asbestos exposure go through the claims process to get financial compensation. We are now offering this same service to spouses of existing clients that are seeking compensation for their exposure to this harmful material.
Spouses of those who were affected by asbestos may have also been exposed because microscopic asbestos fibers would often stick to the clothing of their spouses who worked with this material. In some cases, the spouse of an asbestos-worker may actually have more severe damage to their lungs than the actual worker. This is thought to be a result of washing contaminated clothing in confined spaces, such as small laundry rooms.
If you are one of our current clients and have a spouse who washed your work clothes prior to 1981, we want to work with you to see if you qualify for asbestos trust fund compensation.
Why is asbestos dangerous?
Asbestos is dangerous because it has the ability to break down into microscopically thin fibers. These fibers are so small they can remain airborne for days after they were initially disturbed. While airborne, individuals can breathe these fibers in. Since the fibers are so small, they can travel deep into a person’s lungs, where they may eventually lodge in the lung tissue. Once lodged in the lung tissue, these fibers can cause several serious diseases, including lung cancer, asbestosis (a scarring of the lung tissue) and mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lung cavity).
When is asbestos dangerous?
All types of asbestos fibers are dangerous if you breathe them. Some people say that some kinds of asbestos fibers are less dangerous. Many people, including doctors and scientists, disagree. Until proven safe, treat all asbestos as dangerous.
You cannot tell when asbestos is in the air or is hurting your lungs. Asbestos will not make you cough or sneeze. It will not make your skin or throat itch. Asbestos fibers get into the air when asbestos materials are damaged, disturbed or removed unsafely. When asbestos is crushed, it does not make ordinary dust. Asbestos breaks into tiny fibers that are too small to see, feel or taste.
When asbestos is released into the air, it enters the surrounding environment. You can be exposed to asbestos if you enter these environments. If exposed to asbestos, many factors contribute to whether harmful health effects will occur. These factors include:
- dose (how much);
- duration (how long);
- the route or pathway by which you are exposed (breathing, eating, or drinking); and
- other chemicals to which you are exposed.
Individual characteristics may also have an effect, such as:
- age;
- gender;
- nutritional status;
- family traits;
- lifestyle; and
- your general state of health.
How do we know that asbestos can make you sick?
Laboratory studies and studies of asbestos workers show us that asbestos can make you sick. If you breathe asbestos fibers, you may increase the risk of several serious diseases, including asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer.
Asbestos exposure may increase your risk for cancers of the digestive system, including colon cancer.
How much asbestos is dangerous?
No amount of asbestos is considered safe. Products that contain greater than 1 percent of asbestos minerals are considered to be asbestos-containing.
The more asbestos you are exposed to, the more likely you are to get an asbestos disease. Asbestosis and lung cancer are dose-related diseases. Dose-related means the more asbestos you breathe, the more likely you are to get sick.
The one asbestos disease that is different is mesothelioma. Very small amounts of asbestos can give you mesothelioma. Asbestos workers’ families have gotten mesothelioma from the dust the workers brought home on their clothes.
How long does it take to get sick from asbestos?
All of the asbestos diseases have a latency period. The latency period is the gap between the time you breathe asbestos and the time you start to feel sick. The latency period for asbestos diseases is between 10 to 40 years. You will not feel sick during the latency period. If you get an asbestos disease, you will begin to feel sick after the latency period.
Not everyone exposed to asbestos gets an asbestos disease. However, anyone exposed to asbestos has a higher risk of getting an asbestos disease. All of the asbestos diseases are difficult to treat. Most are impossible to cure. Stopping asbestos fibers from ever entering your lungs is important. The only cure for most asbestos diseases is to prevent them.
Free Asbestos Exposure Consultation in United States
At Sammons & Berry, P.C. we offer a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, so you can discuss the facts of your case without paying for anything upfront. Asbestos trusts claims do not require a lawsuit, depositions, or courtrooms. The process is simple and easy for the client and should not require any stressful legal confrontations for the client. The law firm handles all of the claims for the client, helping you maximize your compensation.
We do not accept any payments from our clients until they receive compensation. We charge on a contingent fee basis, which means you pay a percentage of what you get paid in your claim. If we are unable to collect anything for you, there is no cost to you.
Call (800) 519-1440 to speak with a Sammons and Berry, P.C. representative and start your journey towards compensation.
Wrongful Death Claims For Families of Asbestos Victims
If you have lost someone in your family due to the harmful exposure of asbestos, you may be entitled to compensation. If you can provide the work history and a death certificate for your loved one, our attorneys can help you file an asbestos claim. We understand how difficult this process can be, this is why we work with you every step of the way to help you get the money you deserve. Reach out to our team today to learn more about filing a claim for a family member.
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